
Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend Update with (not) Seth Myers!

Crappy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a fantabulous weekend!

Mine started the way it always does. Because I work on the south shore of Massachusetts (and don't make nearly what I should), commuting back and forth to NH every day is pretty much out of the question. Between Boston/Route 93 traffic, the miles on my car, and the price of gas staying steady north of $3.50 a gallon, I stay with my parents roommates Sunday night thru Thursday night then at noontime on Friday, I drive my (not so little) ass up to NH to spend the weekend with FH.

Friday was a particularly not so fun drive due in part to a sneaky little snowstorm that dumped more than a foot and a half of snow across the South Shore. Suck. Actually, that storm deserves a double Suck. Between the non-stop phone calls and emergency calls at work and the nasty sloppy roads, I was ready for a fun, relaxing weekend with FH.

Unfortunately, that was not in the cards for us. Saturday morning, we were up with the sun to drive back down to Mass to attend pre-cana. For those of you who didn't marry in the Catholic church, pre-cana is a pre-wedding marriage counseling that couples must complete in order to be married in the church. FH was not particularly happy to be spending a Saturday off in church all day when I had to beg, plead, cry, bribe him handsomely in order to get him to agree to get married in a church in the first place. (Please note that I'm not heavily religious, but I was brought up Catholic and one of my favorite memories of my Grandma is going to a certain church with her. So that's where we're getting married.)

So off we went to pre-cana. After working until 2am and having to be out the door at 7, I let FH snooze for the hour and a half ride down and made sure to get him an extra shot of espresso in his coffee when we got to (the glorious) Marylou's for coffee. I had made sure to pack some somewhat healthy snacks and water to try and combat any junk food they made try to entice us with when we got there.

Confession: I actually enjoyed the morning portion of the program. The morning programs focused on what you love about your fiance and their most endearing qualities. We also talked about what things we love that our fiance does for us and what we love to do for them. I left the morning portion somewhat scolding myself for having judged the program so harshly and thinking it was going to be uncomfortable and heavily focused on religion.

Well, after lunch came the uncomfortable (aka old people sex stories) and religion pushing portion of the day. I will not go in to details, but lets just say after hearing some of the couples speak, I will never ever look at a loofah the same way ever again. I'm shuddering right now at the very thought of it.

After our escape, I needed to expend some energy, so I forced suggested to FH that we hit up the gym for a quick workout before dinner. After some much needed cardio (I love to hate the ARC trainer at Planet Fitness), we headed home to shower and change, then had a fabulous dinner at The Copper Door. Now I may be biased because FH works for the company, but I have never EVER had a bad meal from this place. I may have over-indulged in monkey bread with garlic butter on top, shrimp (scrimpsssss) cocktail, fish chowder, baked haddock with corn and crab hash, and split molten chocolate cake with a scoop of dulce de leche ice cream. Holy yum Batman.

After we left with some serious food comas, it was nearly 11. FH had aspirations of going to bed early. I however, had other plans. Plans that involved my (not so) secret lover, Justin Timberlake.

JT was hosting Saturday Night Live. For all of you who have seen him on the show before, you know that you end up snorting from laughing so hard at all his sketches. No? Just me?

My personal favorites were:

And how can you beat JT and Jay-Z?!? (Yes, I do have tickets for the show at Fenway Park in August. I'm going to pull a Lil' Mama from a few years ago at the VMA's and jump on stage with them and rock out. Or maybe just try to hump them. Boom)

Sunday was a semi lazy day. I ran (4 miles in under 41 minutes. Getting there!), then we hit the gym. Afterwards we went to the in-laws to help them move some things from the basement to the attic. I needed to run a few errands so after a late lunch, we took care of those. Then we lazed on the couch and FH made me a nice little Sunday dinner.

Love me some seared tuna! Yum!

I headed back down to the MA late, so it was like pulling teeth to get out of bed this morning. Due to a certain federal organization, my work day was rather hell'ish and spent going through hundreds of pages of incident reports from Superstorm Sandy back in October.

Mondays are back to back spinning class, then pilates. I'm pretty sure the pilates instructor thinks I'm a nutjob who can't follow directions worth a shit, but I really am starting to enjoy the class. I wish my abs were. Ouch.

Until next time, I bid you farewell (and probably leave you still wondering about the gross loofah story from pre-cana. You don't want to know. Trust.)

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